Golden Coast

Necessity is the mother of all invention

Necessity is the mother of all invention, or so they say.

Just over twelve months ago we established that there was a growing need for the wet leisure industry to take charge of its reputation online. Increasing numbers of discount retailers were beginning to take hold in the market and had become the main point of contact for any consumers searching out pool information and products online.

In many case rogue retailers were becoming the voice of the industry – they were setting the prices, they were diagnosing the problems (and solutions), they were setting the terms of the relationship, between the trade and consumer. Not because they knew better – but because they were visible.

The biggest threat?

In a straw poll of our customers we found that many saw the internet as the biggest threat to business in the coming year. Far from embracing the new technology, and the opportunities it may hold for the trade, many within the wet leisure industry had only become aware of the negative effects it was having on their business: driving down prices, taking custom from their stores and misinforming customers.

It was this necessity that got us thinking ‘How do we put forward the ‘right’ message to the customer?’ How do we ensure that customers receive good advice? How do we promote the retailers, online and off, that can help customers get the right products and services to meet their needs?

Now we’re not saying that internet retail is bad, far from it in fact. However, it is apparent that there is a need to provide additional useful advice to consumers looking to buy, service, repair or enjoy their pools while the trade catches up with consumer demand in this area.

Free, expert advice for consumers.

It is with this aim that we are launching a new site, offering free, expert advice and guidance on all aspects of pool ownership – from the initial purchase, through to accessorising, repairing and refurbishment. has been created to put credible consumer advice into the hands of the customer, building in a directory of trusted suppliers – online and off, drawn from our extensive list of trade suppliers across the UK.

Where a customer can’t find their question answered, our custom system allows them to enter it and have it answered by the trade.

Where a customer wants to receive a quote from a local, independent supplier they can request one and know that it will get answered by their local supplier.

What does this mean for you?

What does this mean for you? In a nutshell: quality lead generation, business referrals and online advertising – all without cost as part of your ongoing relationship with Golden Coast.

Now we’re still at the early stages; however, we hope you will support us in making the new site a success. The site is only minimally branded Golden Coast (a logo at the very bottom of the page) and will serve as a central reference point for the whole industry. All you need do is ensure that your details are up to date so that customers looking for the products or services you offer are able to find you (a member of the sales team will be happy to help you do this).

We hope that taking the ‘right’ message out to the end customer, we help you get on with what you do best – satisfying your customer needs, profitably.

Jamie Adams,
Managing Director,
Golden Coast.

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