
When Golden Coast started out, the world was a very different place to the one that we find ourselves inhabiting today.

Although the UK was basking in sweltering temperatures, global warming and climate change were a long way from becoming part of the mainstream narrative. And while some people were beginning to recycle materials such as plastic and glass, it was far from the standard practice that it is today. 

But we like to think that we’ve always been on the cutting edge. In fact, when our founder David Adams built his first pool in 1977, he added a DIY solar heating system of his own invention. And by the time that our first catalogue was published, it already featured a range of heat pumps powered by the sun.

Fast forward nearly 50 years, and things couldn’t be more different. Globally, almost 90% of the population believe that their governments should be doing more to tackle climate change, while the green technology and sustainability markets were valued at $16.5 billion in 2023. Meanwhile, we’ve continued to seek out the latest eco-friendly innovations, helping our customers to make informed decisions that reduce their impact on the planet. 

When we joined Pollet Group in 2022, we became part of a company with an even greater legacy of sustainability than our own. As champions of the GreenWave initiative, PPG has always been committed to positive business practices, pledging to reduce environmental impact, advocate for social justice, and prioritise environmentally conscious production and consumption. And now we’ve been welcomed under their umbrella, we’ve made these values our own. 

Whether it’s retrofitting existing hot tubs and swimming pools with more efficient tech or advising new owners on the best ways to cut running costs, we know that there are many ways in which we can help to reduce the environmental impact of the wet leisure industry. And we’ve made it our mission to be part of the solution.

We endeavour to reply to emails within 1 working day. Alternatively you can speak to a member of the team direct by calling us on 01271 378 100.

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