Swimming pools lose energy in a variety of ways, but evaporation is by far the largest cause of energy loss.

Each litre of water that has been heated to 26ºC and then evaporates takes almost 130 calories of energy with it. There are a number of factors that influence evaporation from a pool – pool temperature, air temperature and wind speed – but, as a rough rule of thumb, an outdoor pool might expect to loose 2,500 litres a week.

DEL pool covers minimize evaporation from both outdoor and indoor pools. Covering a pool when it is not in use is the single most effective means of reducing pool heating costs. Savings of 50%–70% are possible.

DEL has been making pool covers for 35 years. Suitable for either new or existing pools, every one of their covers is manufactured to the highest standard and is the result of their long commitment to design, research and development.

DEL manufactures an impressive choice of slatted pool covers such as the RollEnergy, RollFit Tixit and Contura. They are available with both PVC and Polycarbonate slats and are highly effective for heat retention and minimising evaporation. DEL provides replacement slats for most existing slatted covers.

On an outdoor pool, Polycarbonate slats can provide solar gains and so contribute to heating the pool and further reducing energy costs.

Pool covers are also appropriate for indoor pools where they not only reduce evaporation but also the need to ventilate indoor air and replace it with unconditioned outdoor air, which saves even more energy.

A cover doesn’t save any energy if you don’t use it and DEL produce a range of automatic covers that make it easy to cover and un-cover the pool. These covers can be retrofitted or specified for a new build and most of the designs have a solar powered option therefore use no mains electricity.

If your client is using a sustainable heat source to heat their pool such as a heat pump, solar thermal or PV, then a pool cover will maximise the return they get on that investment.

For more information on DEL covers, please call Luke or Chantelle, our pool cover experts, on 01271 378100

Roll Energy

Roll Energy



Polycarbonate Slats

Polycarbonate Slats