Reasons to be cheerful; one, two, three, four…

Summer has officially begun, so it’s time to look on the bright side and make the most of the season that we are in.

The Jubilee weekend has come and gone; the Olympics are yet to come.

There is a lot happening this summer and lets hope that, with luck, our fair share of that fun, celebration – and spending – rubs off on the wet leisure industry.

The thing is, the harder you work and the smarter you work, the luckier you seem to get.

So how can we help you be as lucky as possible?

Well, positive thinking and enthusiasm is infectious. When you and your team are looking on the bright side, clients and customers pick up on that.

We are in the wet leisure industry. We are selling pumps and filters, spa steps and covers but what are customers are buying is relaxation and wellbeing and fun.

When you and your staff are up-beat, it’s easier to get into conversations with customers that can lead to selling them more than they actually came in for.

Selling can be fun and there are some great tips and tricks on some of the best sales techniques that don’t make customers feel that they are being pressured here.

What else can we do to actually help?

We opened our new web shop a couple of months ago and we are really pleased with the amount of traffic that it has seen.

Being able to order on line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week obviously appeals to people with busy businesses to run.

When we opened the web shop we offered free delivery on all orders to your UK account address and we have decided to continue to offer that deal. is free for anyone to browse but in order to place an order you must have an account with us and be given a unique log in. Just use the link to apply for an account or to contact us.

Simply worrying has never solved anything.

It’s true of course that the economy could be better and a strong financial climate would help us all as much as a blazing hot summer.

Well, inflation has fallen and although we have all been living in austere times due to the debt crisis, the IMF seem to believe that the government should start to take action to get the economy moving again.

The UK residential pool market is estimated to be worth £500 million per year and the commercial and public sector to be about the same again. The sauna market is holding its own and if the traffic on our consumer guide to hot tubs and spas, YourSpa is anything to go by then interest in hot tub bathing is as strong as ever.

The economy will get back on track and our industry will still be here to take advantage of that.

It might take a little while but in the meantime, there is some great advice here

Any more good news?

We’ve seen that some areas of our market are expanding.

Sales of retrofit equipment for pools and accessories for spas are on the increase. Perhaps people are taking their holidays at home and want to make the most of what they already have?

Another big growth area is in energy saving products.

Rising energy costs and the recent focus on water conservation has brought anything that can reduce the running costs of their pool or spa to peoples attention.

One product that conserves water and saves energy is the MultiCyclone and surely there isn’t a pool owner in the country that this couldn’t be sold to – unless they have one fitted already.

Just follow this link to find out all about it.

A summer of sun and ‘blue sky thinking’.

The idea of ‘blue sky thinking’ is to open up your mind as widely as possible when trying to think up new strategies. It’s a version of ‘lateral thinking’ and the phrase probably comes from looking at possibilities that are as wide as the blue sky.

In looking at what we do in this season and in the future, we probably all need to be more flexible and more innovative, break bad habits and establish new ones.

We live in a business culture where good marketing is a given and only truly smart marketing gives you an edge.

If you aren’t already registered on, then take five minutes to do so. Not only are there a host of articles with advice and tips for all aspects of your business – including marketing – for you to use, but also your business details will be featured on each of our consumer sites; YourPool, YourSpa and YourSauna.

So, the best of luck this summer and we hope you work hard at being lucky.

If you have any thoughts you’d like to share about any issues raised in this newsletter then please use the comment box below.