Aren Grimshaw talks about Social Business, the business of helping companies and organisations integrate social media with other marketing activity in order to become or maintain themselves as leaders in their field.
With a background in sales, media and marketing, Aren works with clients large and small to help them get the most from their sales and marketing activity, ensuring that they generate a healthy return on investment.
Professional advice
Aren has worked with Golden Coast for two years to help them get the most impact from their marketing, utilising social media sites such as blogs, social networks and content networks as part of the overall marketing mix.
Aren is a regular speaker on the subject of Social Media and has presented on behalf of Business Link, UK Trade and Investment, Rural Focus and Barclays Corporate, across the UK, throughout the past three years.
Free lectures
He will be using the opportunity at SPATEX 2012 to help other wet leisure businesses learn more about the potential of Social Media and Social Media Marketing, including how to make the most of Facebook, Twitter, blogging and LinkedIn.
He will be doing this via a series of free lectures over the three days of the show and he will also be on hand on the Golden Coast stand, U130 to offer free one to one consultancy to customers of Golden Coast.
Lectures will be held daily in the SPATEX Executive Club Lounge.
Saturday 4th 11:00 – 11:40 am
Sunday 5th 2:00 – 2:40 pm
Monday 6th 2:00 – 2:40 pm
For more information on Aren, or to see his past presentations please visit his website at