Positive Predictions for 2012

The Mayans may well be wrong. It seems as if its part of human nature to try and look into the future and 2012 has gathered more attention than most years. Nostradamus and the Mayans both took a particularly gloomy view but I for one am betting they’re wrong. Working on the assumption that the […]

Looking Back at the Year Ahead

If tough times make strong people, wise business owners and lean and efficient companies then we should be one hell of an industry in 2012. This year has been tough at almost every level. There is little prospect of 2012 being significantly better as a business environment however there is a silver lining to the […]

What’s around the corner?

5 things to think about in October… Autumn officially began just a few days ago. Leaves are falling off the trees and winter pool covers are going on. If you want a cold shower after your sauna it won’t be long before you just have to step outside. October seems to feel like a time […]