In the same way that we provide technical support to our trade account customers, we offer sales and marketing support as well. It’s another aspect of the customer service that we offer. It’s another way that we can share the knowledge that we have built up over our time in the wet leisure industry.

On this site, in the resources section, we have a large number of posts that look at various aspects of marketing specifically from the perspective of the wet leisure industry.

Those posts are divided up into various categories to make it easier for you to find the information and advice that you are looking for.


Running rings around the competition. What London 2012 can teach us about marketing.

It is probably safe to say that everyone considers the Olympic Games in London to have been a success. Just how big a success is down to a matter of personal opinion, but the event and the coverage that surrounded it won the hearts and minds of a nation.

Stop worrying, start selling – 4 ways to take control

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of being at the mercy of the weather. Don’t get me wrong: I love the Wet Leisure industry. It has always been my family trade, and our father’s before us. It’s in our blood.